T Stands For Totally Over Colin!
As many of you that live in the US may know, a tropical storm was set to hit the Florida and the southeastern portion of Georgia Monday and today. The eye was to make landfall around the Big Bend portion of the Gulf side of Florida and then angle slightly...
Memorial Day Weekend…2016
I wanted to take this post to honor all who have fallen in battle or have been scarred in so many ways due to defending the people of the United States of America. This coming Monday is the day that has been set aside in order to honor those that have given the...
T Stands For Treating Myself
Today I am celebrating another huge win! I hope I am not celebrating prematurely but I think I may have finally gotten my blog backlog totally migrated now! Yay! I am ready to start creating again and having that complication plus some other things at work hanging...
My Journal Monday–Week 28
Finally! Some good news on the blog front! I figured out my issues! Doesn't make me too happy with the help services from the new host--or the guy I paid to move it but was unable to do what I did myself?!!....but, nonetheless, I did figure it out and I have ALL of...
My Journal Monday–Week 27
Still having issues getting the blog moved to the new hosting platform. Now I have all of it pulled over EXCEPT....I can't seem to get my photos from Aug 2015-Dec 15 to import. It is about to wear me out--I'm thinking I may have to upload/update them all by...
Re-Boot: My Journal Monday–Week 26
I'm still working on getting the blog where it needs to be. It feels like it will never be done...sigh... I am going to try to do another edition of My Journal Monday anyway. Today I am going to try adding an InLinkz post-linking tool. Hopefully it will be an...
I know that most species migrate in the fall to a new location. I am attempting to do that now. My site may act funny over the next several days but I am DETERMINED to get this resolved SOON! I will still be at this domain name but I will have a bit more control...
My Journal Monday — Week 25
I think I am setting a new record. How close can I get to midnight to post before it is "Tuesday" according to the clock? I've been pretty busy the last week or so--trying to get well...again...and also trying to do a little art. I had to go out of town most of the...
T Stands For Tooting My Own Horn
Today I am celebrating a huge win! Without going into much detail, suffice it to say that a project I have been working on since the middle of last year has come to a successful conclusion! Whoohoo!! Finally! It has been a long, tiring, tough and thorough slog...
My Journal Monday — Week 24
OK. I'm posting this later in the day than usual. I am in the middle of trying to get my blog moved over from to Wordpress.Org so that I will have more control over what I can post on this blog and how it will appear. For instance, right now I have to...
Sunday Words
Psalm 46 Also linking to... Creative Every Day
Finally made it back to the blog!
WELL........................things don't always work out the way that we plan for them to, do they? And thus it was for me on my big trip across the country to attend Artfest Rising 2016 in Port Townsend, WA last week. Yes the weather was perfect! And that also was...
T Stands For Two Flight Legs To Seattle
As you are probably aware by now, Elizabeth has her regular T Stands For posts on Tuesdays. Today I am flying to Seattle to attend Artfest Rising, which begins tomorrow, and I am traveling nearly all day. I thought I would try posting via my phone just to see if...
My Journal Monday–Week 23
This week is fairly simple as I am preparing to head out of town for Artfest Rising!! So excited! I can hardly wait to get there and get going. It is going to be a grand time indeed! Here is what is on my desk to day for My Journal Monday--using another Stencil...
Getting Ready to Go!
I made it to Thursday (and tomorrow is a holiday, Good Friday--whoohoo! But this weekend is going to be triple exciting: It is a three-day weekend! It is a time to celebrate Jesus' death and ascension back to Heaven! I am packing and preparing to leave for an art...