Stencil Reuse

Stencil Reuse

Yesterday I posted about getting all of the inky goodness out of your stencils that have been spayed with inks.  Today I want to talk about a second method of “reusing” your sprayed stencils. Below is an original spray of a stencil (Urban Outsiders Stencil...


Sorry I have been “gone” for so long!  I have a very stressful job and the first three months of the year were really tough and exhausting this year. At about the end of the stressful work season, we lost my oldest dog, Sasha (a Blue Heeler and my baby for...

DLP Week 1 Challenge

Finally!  I finally felt like doing something a little more substantial than mindlessly painting some backgrounds in my day planner!  I want to participate as much as possible in the Documented Life Project.  This year they are concentrating doing a full-sized journal...