by Jill Holmes | Aug 9, 2016 | Food, T is for Tuesday, Work
I was supposed to have a meeting today at work with an out-of-town “dignitary” to kick of the first of a three day work session. Unfortunately, Delta Airlines decided to have a complete brain drain two nights ago totally messing up flights and...
by Jill Holmes | Apr 12, 2016 | Blog Challenge, Food, Friends, T is for Tuesday, Work
Today I am celebrating a huge win! Without going into much detail, suffice it to say that a project I have been working on since the middle of last year has come to a successful conclusion! Whoohoo!! Finally! It has been a long, tiring, tough and thorough slog...
by Jill Holmes | Nov 17, 2015 | T is for Tuesday, Work
Boy! Is it getting hard to keep my mind on work these last few days before starting vacation. I had my usual dose of caffeine in my morning water mix to get my day going. If it wasn’t for my morning caffeine I’m not sure I’d be much good to...