It’s been a long eleven months since my last post, which was in October 2017.  I had the best of intentions at that time but as they say, “Life Happens” and boy, did it ever!  My husband had a very serious motorcycle accident November 9th.  Someone crossed over in front of him at a red light and he hit them just behind the passenger side front wheel and in front of the door seam.  He was thrown several feet in the air, turning summersaults as he went over the vehicle, and landed flat on his back—-in front of a local fire and rescue station.  They responded immediately and he was quickly picked up off of the pavement and transported to the area hospital. He was very fortunate and his injuries were limited however, it was a long painful process back to “normal” life.  We had a 3-week trip to Hawaii planned in mid-late December that had already been purchased and other family members that had made travel plans such that we could have a large family vacation there with two of our three children and our two grandchildren.  It was a nightmare.  I was SO GRATEFUL that that my husband had survived and that his injuries were not more serious.  On the other hand, our vacation that we had been planning for months was not going to be what we had planned it to be. Hubby was able to walk “OK” by our December departure with a leg brace, several weeks of physical therapy under his belt and transport provided between airport gates.  We had booked first class seats which was a real saver for us as his leg needed every bit of that extra room.  We thought it was just a fun upgrade when we purchased it but it ended up being a HUGE blessing for making our travel bearable for him.  We got to see most of Kauai and had some laying around the pool and laying around the beach time (hubby couldn’t really go into the water because of the way the ocean sways and moves your legs when standing in it).  However, all the hiking and nature site-seeing we had planned was a no-go.  We did get to enjoy family and we had a FABULOUS New Year’s dinner.  We bought several souvenirs and hopefully will go back one day.  It was absolutely beyond anything I could have imagined in beauty.  The photo below doesn’t even do it justice… January entailed catching up at work and filing the obligatory government reports.  This went on until almost the end of May. It was about this time that was ready to start posting again and I realized that I still hated my blog from the last update I had paid someone to update.  I didn’t want to post because it made me angry just thinking about the whole experience.  I decided to hire someone else to do it correctly.  And I am SOOOO glad that I did.  Lauren at has done and EXCELLENT job of getting things just how I had envisioned them–even better than I had hoped, actually.  She’s still working on the details but I was so happy when I checked on the progress today that I just had to post and let you know that more would be coming soon!  🙂 I have been doing many arty things this past year as well and I can hardly wait to tell you about them.  Until then, I hope you are doing well and that you haven’t completely given up on me!  LOL