I have not been well this week…another round of antibiotic and some extra sleep were necessary parts of my days.  I did almost nothing in my studio this week but I’m finally starting to feel better so I thought I would at least post this.  I found a shadow profile in a magazine that I really liked.  Although I had never done it before, I thought I’d break out the stencil cutter (looks like a  soldering iron with a pointed tip–it melts the plastic as the pattern is traced on the stencil material) and try making my own mask from the profile.  I used some old “overhead” plastic sheets that I had previously purchased for doing transfers.  Turns out they don’t work too badly for this exercise.  I’ll need to practice more to really determine how well they would actually work for making stencils instead of more detail-forgiving masks.

2016-01-10 14.16.40

2016-01-10 14.07.51



As you can see, my spraying was very imperfect and some liquid seeped under the edges in several places.  Undaunted, I traced the silhouette and added some words that I thought would work well…

2016-01-10 15.00.50


And then I added black paint…

2016-01-10 23.50.46

2016-01-10 23.49.29


I rather like how it turned out.  I will be watching magazines from now on to see if I spot any more images that would make great silhouettes like this one did!

Again, this is in my larger Strathmore so I photographed it rather than trying to do a combined page scan.  I am also posting this on:

Happy Friday and I hope you have a great, art-filled weekend!  🙂